
Learning Writing By Teaching Writing

A cartoon from PhD Comics, titled "Grader Types." Three panels, three different instructors in an office with stacks of papers to grade. The "Optimist" says "These answers are half right!" The "Pessimist" says, "The answers are half wrong!" The "Realist" says, "Statistically speaking, my teaching has had no impact."

Generally, there are few things that unite teachers more than a mutual aversion to grading. For some, the marking up of assignments and assigning of earned grades may be a mere annoyance; for others, the unavoidable nature of subjectivity inherent to that process, plus the amount of feedback necessary, multiplied by the time consumed makes for one distasteful equation. That being said, there are...

Revisiting Unruly Instruction

A cropped scan of the cover of Kathleen Rowe's book Unruly Woman. It features realistic art of a fat blond woman wearing a low-cut sleeveless red dress, pears, and a white fur stole, laughing and leaning in a dominating sexual position over a white man in a white shirt and black tie

This week, we dive into Broadly Textual’s archive, from its days as Metathesis, to revisit a piece of important work by now-Dr. Melissa Welshans. Her post, written in 2014 during her time in the English PhD program, addresses the same issues discussed by Natalie El-Eid in her first contribution this month, and reflected in the poem contribution by Rhyse Curtis last week: how do we navigate a...

Empathy and Education: Fight or Flight

A black-and-white graphic of an abstract human-shape pulling on the reins of a horse, who is leaning back against the reins. Between them is a bucket, presumably filled with water.

“A good teacher will lead the horse to water; an excellent teacher will make the horse thirsty first.” – Mario Cortes Inside the academic classroom, we instructors face a number of pedagogical challenges, ranging from constant apprehension regarding proper time management, to confusion over how to best incorporate new media technologies in diverse lesson plans. If the multitudes of our profession...

Empathy and Education: The Double Burden (Part II)


In the numerous fields comprising that artistic and cultural field we call “the humanities,” we who self-identify as scholars must constantly be on the defense regarding our own choice of profession. An increasingly corporatized world sees banks encouraging ballerinas and actors to become engineers and botanists instead, and federal agencies such as the CBO actively suggesting reducing federal...

Empathy and Education: The Double Burden (Part 1)


A couple of weeks ago, toward the end of our class’s unit on “Thrills, Sensations, and the Ethics of Nonfiction,” I assigned my students the University of Chicago’s Welcome Letter to the Class of 2020 alongside Sara Ahmed’s thought-provoking “Against Students” (June 2015). The former, a document separately decried or praised as patronizing and oppressive or timely and appropriate, comes from a...

Adventures in academic-land


No one likes to come off as stupid (or not smart enough) at a gathering, big or small. Right now, you might be disagreeing with my statement and telling yourself or whoever is sitting beside you, “That’s not true! I don’t mind being ignorant because not everyone knows everything. At least, I get rid of my ignorance by being a good listener!” I used to tell myself that too. But if I was being...

History’s Fiction Problem: “Selma” and the Value of Fictionalized History


In a recent piece for Salon, Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg take aim at both Selma, the newly released film about the activism of Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Selma, they critique Hollywood more broadly for its lack of anything truly meaningful to say about history.  In the process, they also dismiss seemingly all (or at least most) historical fiction. They suggest that there is a measure...

Feeling Testy: Assessing our Assessments


Tests and assessment make people angry. Yes, this is a terrible film. No really — tests, and the entire idea of assessment, can produce positively splenetic displays. The comments section of Christopher B. Nelson’s recent essay critiquing assessment provides an apt example. As the federal government pushes to hold colleges responsible for providing students with the best...

Teaching Irony and The Office: A Reception Studies Approach


Last academic year, serving as a 2013-2014 HASTAC scholar, I began work on The Pedagogy Project (forthcoming). The HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Sciences, Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) community asked fellow scholars to submit sample lesson plans or pedagogical strategies. I submitted a lesson that I use when I teach Twin Peaks, and I helped compile and organize the collection of over 80...


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